This is the second day of testing in Sakhir. In the morning, the Indian driver of Trident Arjun Maini, who looks like Raj from "The Big Bang Theory", topped the timesheets. At the second and third place there were two of my favourite drivers, Jack Aitken and Nyck De Vries. The main character of this blog, the mythical Louis, was the third driver to get on track and completed 17 laps with a time of 1:43.145, ending 5th; his teammate Antonio Fuoco ended 11st. The other Swiss Ralph Boschung didn't have so much luck, ending in the last position.
In the afternoon the quickest driver was Santino Ferrucci, the Italo-American driver of Trident, who is also Haas' development driver. Antonio and Louis were the first drivers to make their appearance on track, and ended respectively in 8th and 4th position. Louis completed 39 laps and scored a time of 1:46.737.
That's all for today... stay tuned for the third and last day!
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